Il CEO di Yahoo, Carol Bartz è stato intervistata ieri al D7 ed ha dichiarato diverse cose anche riguardo la differenza tra Yahoo! e Google:

We’re the place where people find revelevant contextual information about things they care about. We have a global reach with a local feel, noting that Yahoo is increasingly more focused on local. People should see their high school game Flip videos on Yahoo Sports.
They’re very good in search, very good in maps. But they don’t have the positioning and reach that we have. We are totally different companies. How we got drafted behind Google, I’m not sure. We are a place people come to be informed. Google is a place people go to do search….We want to be more personal than Google. We are about providing a more integrated experience. We are a different company than Google.

La Bartz intende poi spingere sul mobile rendendolo più avvincente ed afferma che hanno più possibilità di Google. Perchè le persone dovrebbero preferire Yahoo a Google? Per i filmati sullo sports ed i video delle partite di basket dei pischelli nei college? E’ questo che la gente vuole e cerca online?

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