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Pando plugin for Outlook is in Beta Testing Program

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I have talked about the problem of the heavy attached files in the mail, trying to solve the problem with software as Pando: i have just suggest that Pando has developing a plugin for Outlook that now are in Beta Testing Program. I have downloaded and installed the Pando Plugin for Microsoft Outlook but i have problems with Pando: i have selected in Pando Options (the image on top) the Outlook Express plugin and then i have open Outlook and create a new email message. In the Compose window there aren’t the Pando toolbar and then Pando has a crash (i remain close Outlook during the installation): i have Win Xp Sp1 with MSFT Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1807 and Pando version Now i send feedback to Pando team because when i installed the file i did not have this screen: give me some feedback on comments and try this plugin. News about Pando on Pandoblog.

Ho parlato del problema dell’invio di e-mail con allegati pesanti suggerendo di usare software come Pando: ho già segnalato l’iniziativa di un plugin di Pando per Outlook, che è adesso in fase Beta. Ho scaricato ed installato il file del plugin ma ho avuto un problema con Pando: una volta selezionato nelle Opzioni (l’immagine sopra) i diversi plugins ed attivati quelli per Outlook, ho aperto il mailreader e creato una nuova mail. Nella finestra del nuovo message non era presente la toolbar di Pando, e successivamente Pando ha avuto un crash (ricordate di rimanere chiuso Outlook durante l’installazione di Pando): la mia configurazionne è Win Xp Sp1 con MSFT Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1807 e Pando versione Ora ho inviato un feedback al team di Pando per capire se il problema è solo mio, anche perchè quando ho installato il file presente nel programma Beta non ho avuto questo screen durante l’istallation tool: inviatemi feedback nei commenti e provate il plugin. News su Pando sul Pandoblog.


2 risposte a “Pando plugin for Outlook is in Beta Testing Program”

  1. …………Bell Bell

  2. Pando is very complete « Dario Salvelli’s Blog

    […] I have spoken many a href=”http://dariosalvelli.wordpress.com/2006/09/03/pando-plugin-for-outlook-is-in-beta-testing-program/” target=”new”>times of Pando, the ideal software to send mail with very heavy attached files. Pando has arrived to 0.9.3 version and has added new features that they complete and improve the software: the greater news is in fact the possibility not only to send private mail, but also make a kind of peer to peer with other users or publishing media personal contents on blog, with the support of platforms as MySpace, WordPress, Blogger, Typepad, Facebook. Other big items news the Feed Rss and Podcasting integration with the possibility of using all IM software: read this change log. Tried to download it here and sent me your impressions in the comments: does now seem really complete to you ? Pando has picked up in the time many assents creating a a href=”http://www.frappr.com/pandofriends” target=”new”>big community what allows the software to keep on being free thanks also to the present contribution of the banner on the program. Pando is available both for Win Xp than for Mac, sin still lacks a Linux version. […]

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