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Microsoft launch his Sourceforge: CodePlex

CodePlex è un portale con il quale Microsoft intende creare una sorta di Sourceforge: sarà possibile infatti sottoporre agli organizzatori progetti open source che verranno scelti in base a diversi criteri, tra i quali quello d’utilità per i clienti di Microsoft. Insomma, ben diverso dal celebre Sourceforge che è aperto a qualsiasi progetto di sviluppo open source.

CodePlex is a portal with which Microsoft it means to create one risen of Sourceforge: you can use CodePlex to create new projects to share with your fellow developers around the world. It will be possible in fact to subject to the organizing plans open source that they will come chosen based on various criteria, between which that one of usefullness for the customers of Microsoft. Very various from celebre the Sourceforge that is opened to whichever plan of development open source.


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