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Chandler: open source calendar


Italian Version

Osaf (Open Source Applications Foundation) è una fondazione Open Source che ha sviluppato Chandler, un Pim per Windows Xp,OS x e Linux. Il progetto,il cui sviluppo e idea risale ad alcuni anni fa (2003) è giunto alla release 0.6 del 20 Dicembre 2005. Utile per organizzare la vostra Agenda sul pc e non solo: tra l’altro c’è anche il supporto per i Feed Rss e per i Tag e le Collection di Flickr. Interessante la funzione Share My Items,con la quale si mettono a disposizione i propri impegni e varie info ad altri utenti.

English Version

Osaf (Open Source Applications Foundation) is an Open Source foundation which has developed a desktop pim,Chandler for Windows Xp, x OS and Linux. The project, whose I develop and he plans goes up again at a few years ago (2003) has arrived to the realease 0.6 of December 20th, 2005. Useful to organize your diary on the pc and not only: between the other there is also the support for the Feed Rss and the Tag and the Flickr Collection. Interesting the function Share My Items with which their engagements and several info are at disposal put to other users.

Link: Chandler


2 risposte a “Chandler: open source calendar”

  1. This is great. Thanks for the info!

  2. Hi Jerry. Appeared is not there of what,Chandler is very great.

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