Kevin Anderson riassume in un ottimo articolo sul Guardian i modelli di business per i giornali online e non solo (ci sono anche musica, video e videogames):
Few general newspapers have so far dared to charge subscriptions for their websites. In the US, many publishers look to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, but it is hardly a flag-bearer for making money online. As of May, the site had only 3,400 subscribers, bringing in a relatively modest $200,000 (£120,000).The Wall Street Journal and the FT both charge for online content, with business and sport news among the few kinds of content internet readers have shown a willingness to pay for.
The FT is considering developing a “pay-per-view” model, offering individual articles for sale. Such a micro-payment system has the attraction of borrowing the iTunes model for news. But critics have pointed out that while you listen to music tracks again and again, news content has a short shelf-life.Premium content
In one of the few experiments in charging for content, the New York Times charged for access to its stable of star columnists with its TimesSelect service from 2005 until 2007. Unfortunately, the columns were available on the web via other sites that syndicated the columnists, and the Times decided to end the service, believing that it could make more online through advertising.Archive
The New York Times is among those companies that require payment for premium content and photos in their archives, charging $3.95 for each article or $15.95 for a bundle of 10 articles.
Non c’è nulla di nuovo ma sono curioso di sapere quali tra questi Luca considera più fattibili e lungimiranti.
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