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Youtube for sale ? Youtube in vendita ?

On a Ny Post article there is an interesting rumor about Youtube for sale at $1.5 Billion (time ago Ny post has already another article here), yesterday also Techcrunch has brought back the news having made to notice that the figure is not exaggerated. Probable buyers are Viacom, Disney, AOL, eBay e News Corp: but it is indeed a transaction for who will acquire the service of more famous video-sharing at the moment ? Grouper was sold to Sony for 65 million dollars; sure Youtube is for sale, it is unknown well which it is the prices, but the problems lawyers of copyright and those in order to support a database immense of contained with beyond 100 million video to the day make to reflect.

Su un articolo del NY Post c’è un rumor interessante riguardante la probabile messa in vendita di Youtube per 1.5 miliardi di dollari (il NY post scrisse già un altro articolo qui), ieri lo stesso Techcrunch ha riportato la notizia facendo notare che la cifra non è esagerata. Probabili compratori sono Viacom, Disney, AOL, eBay e News Corp: ma è davvero un affare per chi acquisterà il servizio di video-sharing più famoso al momento ? Grouper fu venduta a Sony per 65 milioni di dollari; certamente Youtube è in vendita, non si sa bene quale sia la cifra, ma i problemi legali di copyright e quelli per sostenere un database immenso di contenuti con oltre 100 milioni di video al giorno fanno riflettere.


3 risposte a “Youtube for sale ? Youtube in vendita ?”

  1. facciamo una colletta?

  2. @gipuntoe: Non basta neanche per la spesa dei basket per la carta… ;)

  3. Google acquired Youtube: and Google Video ? « Dario Salvelli’s Blog

    […] Sorry, i’m too busy these days but i want to signal an important announce by Google: Google has acquired Youtube for $1.65 billion, and YouTube’s 65 employees will remain with the company. This went as many rumors: there is nothing on Youtube’s blog but Chad and Steve, the founder of Youtube, has a video message (on bottom). There are many discussions of this, on Techcrunch and Techmeme with more blogs and magazine that talk around this Deal: for some people “Google is very crazy”. I think that is an important step for Youtube because will take new features, but is a true business for Google? What end will do Google Video? […]

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