Messenger in a bottle

Super easy Chatbot prediction:It'll follow classic Gartner hype cycle: way overhyped, followed by 'failure', only to rise again, chastened — Scott Jenson (@scottjenson) 22 ottobre 2016 Marchine learning, AI, chatbot. Sono le tecnologie del presente e del futuro ed insieme ai Big Data ed all’Internet of Things rivoluzioneranno la società, il nostro lavoro e…

2016 Digital Marketing Trends (COMPLETE LIST)

My personal predictions in Digital Marketing for next year: 1) We’ll have a design of an holistic customer experience across all channels that will dipend from the (individual) shopping experience. We’re in the Seamless Commerce era so we have to optimize Analytics, Mobile, Social Commerce, Cognitive Computing. 2) Digital Transformation? Yes, customers will drive it.…