Cocomment has announced on the blog an update to their comment tracking system:
The cocoCrawler – keeps an eye on your conversations for you
Track This Conversation – track conversations even if you dont participate in them
Meta Conversation – Lets you comment on a web page that has no built-in comment functionality
New Interface, Site Structure and Navigation – new home page and stuff
Try the Service without Registering – try before you give them any information
Filtering of Conversations – filter conversations by type
Other new features – including five languages, capture-compatible platforms (including YouTube) etc
These are the brand blogging that Cocomment support. A same service that i have already talk about is Commentful.
Cocomment ha annunciato has sul suo blog un update per il suo sistema di tracking comment, che ci facilita il seguire i commenti sui blog; ecco alcune nuove funzioni:
The cocoCrawler – keeps an eye on your conversations for you
Track This Conversation – track conversations even if you dont participate in them
Meta Conversation – Lets you comment on a web page that has no built-in comment functionality
New Interface, Site Structure and Navigation – new home page and stuff
Try the Service without Registering – try before you give them any information
Filtering of Conversations – filter conversations by type
Other new features – including five languages, capture-compatible platforms (including YouTube) etc
Queste sono le piattaforme blogging supportate da Cocomment. Un servizio simile di cui ho già parlato è Commentful.
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